Sunday, October 25, 2009

[Message] MBLAQ's Mir at MBLAQ cafe at Daum

CR: mblaq cafe@daum + G_Luv + translation: hyeminnie @soompi/MBLAQPower + Eunminlove

Pls credit the sources and all sites when reposting. Do not hotlink the graphics.

09.10.24 02:43

그동안 잘들지내셨죠 ~ +_+!!!!!??
저희 엠블랙은 바빠서 미칠지경이예요,,ㅠㅠ
새벽에일어나서 밤늦게까지 스케쥴이고,,ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
그래도 무대와 연습실로 와주시는 팬분들을 보고 항상힘을내고있습니다!!!
그리고 제가 저번에 썼던 글때문에 문제가 좀많았었나봐요,,ㅠㅠ
전 그때 유타를 못해드려서 이걸로남아 그런건데 팬분들께서 안좋은말들을 들으신것같아서
죄송해서 제가 자삭한거였어요,,ㅠㅠㅠ
생각없이 행동한거 죄송합니다,,ㅠㅠㅠ꾸벅,,ㅠㅠㅠ
그상황에서 제걱정해주신 분들한테도 너무너무 감사드리구요,,ㅠㅠ
앞으로 그런일없도록 노력하겠습니다!!우히!!!
요즘 날씨가 너무 추워져서 밖에나오시는 것도 힘드실텐데 저희 응원하러 와주시는 팬들
너무 사랑해요,, 엉엉,,ㅠㅠㅠ
추우니깐 주머니에 손난로 30개씩 들고다니시구요,,ㅠㅠㅠ
다들 감기 조심하시구요 하루하루 행복한 나날들 보내셨으면 좋겠네요 ~ +_+!!!


09.10.24 02:43

Hello!! This is Mir!!!
During that time [of our absence], have you been well?
We MBLAQ members are so busy, we're about to go crazy... T.T
Our schedules have us wake up at the crack of dawn and they end late at night.
Though, seeing the fans cheering for us always gives us strength!!

Also, because of the messages I posted, I've gotten a lot of replies.. T.T
Since I couldn't get on Uta[UFO TOWN?], it seems as if the issue still remains, and the fans have been hearing bad things.
I'm really sorry...
I apologize for my thoughtless actions T.T *bow* T.T
I'm thankful for the fans that during that time.
From here on out, I'll try not to let that kind of thing happen again! Woo hee!
Since the weather's been getting colder lately, getting outside to cheer for us would be more difficult, so I would like to say that I love you so much <3>
09.10.25 02:06

안녕하세요!!미르입니다!!!!그리고 옆에 고성이 지켜보고있는가운데!!!!!
특별한 이벤트를 하기위해서 이렇게 글을 쓰고있습니다!!!!!!!!!
뭐냐하면!!!!!!이름하여!!!팬분들과 직접 통화하기!!!!!!!!
간단하게 설명을 드리자면요!!!!!!!
저희가 요즘 유에프오타운에 빠져있는 사실은 다 알고계시겠죠!!!??
그래서!!!!!!저희가 생각한게!!!저희한테 문자를 보내실때 가운데 번호가 안오잔아요 ~?
그러니깐 문자에다가 번호를 제대로 써주시면 저희가 그중에 한분을 골라서 직접!!!!직접!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
전화연결을 하겠습니다!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
오늘부터 문자를 보내주시면 내일 당장!!!!롸잇나우!!!!!전화연결을 시도해보도록 하겠습니다!!!!!!!!
깜짝 놀라셔서 욕하고 끊으시면 안되구요,,ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
친해지자구요 ~ +_+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
저희는 그럼 이만 물러나겠습니다!!!
고성과 미르였습니다!!!!

p.s 제 엽기사진 너무 재밌어요,,ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 우히!!!!!!!!!!이거슨모다 ~ ?
*댓글에다가 번호쓰면 절대안되구요!!!!*
*고성이랑 뜻을 모르시는 분들이 좀 많으시네요,,흠,,
고 = G.O 성 = 형 이란말의 사투리


09.10.25 02:06

Hello! This is Mir! Also, Castle* is right next to me!!
I'm writing about a special event we're doing!
What we're doing...we're talking to the fans!!!!
Let me explain!

You do realize that we have been sucked into UFO Town, right??!
So! This is what we thought: When you send messages to us, the middle number doesn't show up, right?
So, if you attach your correct number along with the message, we'll choose one person each day and really quickly call them!!
Woo hee! Oh yeah!!
Starting today, if you send a message to us, we'll choose one of those messages the next day and we'll try to call you!! Right now!! [He wrote this in Konglish]
You must not curse and hang up because you were surprised! T.T
Let's get to know each other better! +_+!!!
Well, we'll be saying goodbye here.
This has been Castle* and Mir!!

P.S. My weird pictures are so funny! Woo hee!!! What is this?
Please do not post our numbers online!!
There must be a lot of people who don't understand "Castle," hmmm...
Castle= in Korean, is 'go sung.'
Go= G.O.
Sung= hyung, but with a dialect


09.10.26 01:44



오늘 하루도 즐겁게 잘보내셨나요 ~ +_+!!!!??

전 오늘 너무 바빠서 정신이 없었어요,,ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

바쁜와중에 어제 팬분들이랑 약속한 유타 전화하기!!!!가 생각나서

숙소오자마자 씻지도 않고 멤버들이랑 둘러앉아 이벤트를 했어요!!!

원래 처음에는 저만 하기로했던 이벤트인데 너무 재미있어서 형들도 한다고

하셔서 총 6분한테 했어요 ~ +_+!!

승호형 전화를 받으셧던 팬분께서 둥둥이형의 전화를 또 받으신거예요 ~ *_*;;;

번호가 2개라며,,,너무 신기했다는,,!!

그래서 원래 5명인데 마지막으로 둥둥이형을위해 한분 더하고 끝을냈습니다!!

팬분들께서 너무 재밌게, 재치있으시게 전화를 받아주셔서 피곤함을 싹!!!가시게 해주셨어요,ㅎㅎ

둥둥이형이 팬분 10명정도한테 전화했는데 아무도 안받았다는,,,

발신자 표시제한이라서 그런건가봐요,,

무튼!!오늘 전화받아주신 분들께 정말 감사드리구요!!!

비록 이렇게 짧게 끝났지만 앞으로도 이런재미있는 이벤트 많이할꺼예요!!

저희가 하고싶어서,,ㅎㅎㅎ

그리고 오늘 인기가요에 오셔서 한없이 기다려주신 팬분들 너무 감사드립니다,,ㅠㅠ

추우셨을텐데,,ㅠㅠ 요즘 감기가 유행이니깐 모두들 감기조심하시구요!!!

항상 응원해주시는 팬분들 감사합니다!!꾸벅!!!


The event has ended!!!!
Hello!!!It's Mir!!!!!
Did you guys pass the day by pleasantly ~ +_+!!!!??
I was really busy today and had no free time,,ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Throughout the hectic day I was thinking about the promise we'd made the fans!!!!
As soon as we got home we skipped bathing and sat down and started the event!!!
Originally it was just gonna be me, but it was so fun the others joined in.
We ended up calling six fans ~ +_+!!
Seungho hyung has recieved calls from fans and recieved Doongdoongi hyung's call again ~ *_*;;;
번호가 2개라며,,,It was so wondeful,,!!
Well originally it was supposed to be five people, but for Doongdoongi hyung it was one more person and we did it to the end!!
The fans gave us a lot of enjoyment, , we recieved a lot of witty calls and it completely cured us of our fatigue!!!hehe
Doongdoongi hyung tried calling 10 people, but no one picked up,,,
It's because of the tension when one rises to fame, that's how it is,,,;;
Anyway!!To all the fans we called to day, thank you!!!
It was brief and ended quicky, but in the future we'll do lots of fun events like this!!
I want to be among you all,,hehehe
Also, to our fans who came to Inkigayo today to watch us, thank you,,ㅠㅠ
It's gotten really cold,,ㅠㅠ Since the cold is spreading a lot these days, everyone please take care not to catch a cold!!!
To our fans that are always supporting us, thank you!!*bowing*!!!


~to be updated with translation for todays Mir's Message

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